Album Review: Jazz Republic: Taiwan, the United States, and the Freedom of Swing from Alexis Cole
Album: Jazz Republic: Taiwan, the United States, and the Freedom of Swing Artist: Alexis Cole Label: Tiger Turn Music Websites: Singer-arranger Alexis Cole not only has an attractive voice, she sings songs in a manner that makes them last in the listener's head long after the track has finished. It is not unusual to find one's self singing the lyrics after the Cole recording has ended. That is the indelible trait of Alexis Cole's voice. Her 2024 release Jazz Republic: Taiwan, the United States, and the Freedom of Swing shows her accompanied by the Taiwan Jazz Orchestra, directed by Cheng-Yu Jimmy Lee. The selection of jazz standards and classic pop novelties are some American favorites like Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" and "I've Grown Accustomed To His Face," a spin on Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner's "I've Grown Acc...