Album Review: Gravity from Simon Sammut and Omar Vazquez

Album Review:  Gravity from Simon Sammut and Omar Vazquez

Album:  Gravity
Artist:  Simon Sammut and Omar Vazquez
Label:  Self-released

World music and New Age encompass a wide breadth of music but there is likely no doubt in anyone's mind that the music of electric and acoustic bassists Simon Sammut and Omar Vazquez fall into these two open-ended categories.  Their latest creation Gravity consists of compositions that dwell on roomy atmospherics and eclectic soundscapes.  Capricious and airy, listeners detect more soundwaves than chord patterns or intervals of notes.  Like a breeze casting a sail, the particles emitted from the instruments glide like intangible emanations, producing vibrations that float across the air, massaging the listener's aural senses.

The soft flutter of the flute moving across "Equinoccio" is layered in heavy bass tones and  meandering keys, which segue to a funky poppish rhythm through "Horatius," shrouded in digital sounding effects.  The wispy flamenco accent of the guitar strings driving "Mediterraneo" builds up to a bolero-esque cadence that gives the track a delightful, catchy beat.  Switching gears, the duo delve into a funk-pop program with Latin trimmings on 'Salida Del Sol," building on their versatility as atmospheric artists. "Dystopia" and "Mar" are showered in gently whirling atmospherics that elevate the listening experience to a Zen-like sonorous.

The recurring theme through the recording is music that is melodically soothing and sonically attractive.  The ruminations have a capricious penmanship that is succor-like, articulating shifts and decisions to move independent of the other instruments.  The many voices of the musicians sound like many voices that come together to form a lovely cohesive mix.

Simon Sammut - bass
Omar Vazquez - bass

Mexican Musicians
Citlalli Toledo - voice
Osiel Barrios - guitar
David Caspeta - drums and cajón flamenco
Cipriano Izquierdo - flute
Emilio Palacios - flute

Malta Musicians
Kris Spiteri - piano and keyboards
Melchior Busuttil - drums
Kevin Abela - trumpet
Jonathan Ellul - guitar


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